Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reframing Images

                                                                       Original Image
                                                                      Re-framed Image

What originally drew me to this image was the depth and space that was shown. In the original image there is a lot of space beneath the main object in the photo, which is the woman, and a little bit of space above the woman. I chose to reframe this image by focusing on the woman in the photo and less on the space all around her. I feel the woman is the most important part of this image, so I think it is important to get the Wide Shot of the woman but still having that Close Up feeling; More of a close up than the original image was displaying. I think the artist decided to not zoom in this image because they wanted to show how deep the water is, that the woman is swimming in and to get more of a feel of the environment that the woman is in.  This image also displays the binary of objectivity and subjectivity. This image can be subjective by everyone can have their own opinion of what they think this image means or what the story behind it is. What also drew me to this image was the story or meaning I thought was behind it but that is me being subjective of it. The only objective could be why the artist took this photograph and the true meaning behind it. By reframing this image I’m making the viewers focus on the woman and being subjective over it, instead of all the space above and below the woman.  The Rule of Thirds is also displayed in this image. In the original image the sweet spots in the frame were on the woman and on the empty space below her. In the reframed image the sweet spots are all on the woman; even though the two sweet spots below her are barely on her hand and foot. By using the Rule of Thirds to reframe my image I have made it so the audience is mainly focusing on the woman.

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